History of the Gutemann family
As far as we know today, the family history begins in the 15th century. The name was first mentioned in 1410 in a document from the Biberach Hospital. There a Markdorf councilor Johann Gutenmann is mentioned (the spellings of the name vary between Gutenmann, Guttenmann, Gutemann and Guttemann) and a citizen Hans Gutenmann.
- In 1414 Bishop Otto III gave the city the right to elect a council and mayor every year.
- 09.10.1448 Lienhard Gutenmann as a citizen of Markdorf judgments in Spännen
- April 16, 1483 Lienhart Guttenmann as a witness
- March 29, 1505 Hans Guttemann zu Haslach
- May 10, 1505 Jakob Guttenmann citizen of Markdorf
- September 22nd, 1505 Hans Guttemann zu Haslach
- July 24th, 1509 Caspar Gutemann Mayor of Markdorf
- December 22nd, 1511 Caspar Gutemann as former mayor
- September 20, 1512 Anna Guttenmännin, brothers Hans and Melchior Guttenmann
- November 15, 1514 Hansen Guettenmann
- February 27, 1520 Hans Guttenmann
- April 10, 1521 Caspar Guttemann Mayor and Martin Guttemann
- June 16, 1528 Hans Guttenmann called Bühelin
- November 17, 1530 Caspar Gutemann Former Mayor
- December 3rd, 1540 Martin Guttenmann's heirs of 6 pieces with vines, called the long Zeil ... Caspar Guttenmann
- May 3rd, 1548 sold Joachim Gutemann, the then pharmacist in Rotenburg / Neckar to the city of Reben on the "Langen Zeil" in Markdorf.