Family tree

The family tree in its present form is the result of research by Mirko Gutemann and Ingolf Gutemann.


The key message right at the beginning:

All persons with the family name Gutemann currently living in Germany or Switzerland are related to one another.

The previously traceable researched family tree of the Gutemann family begins around 1670. As far as we know, "Georgius Gutemann", who was born around this time, is the common ancestor of all still living family members.

If you want to get an overview of the family tree as a family member, please contact us via our contact page

Of course we are very interested in completing the data. We are also interested in "newcomers" and of course in information that will lead us back into the past.

We are also interested in recapturing family members who may have emigrated and at least integrating them into our family tree. Apart from Hilde Gutemann, who emigrated to Australia around 1950, there is currently no clear evidence of family members who left Europe. And that although the name Gutemann appears in corresponding passenger lists to the USA and Australia and is also listed in other documents (censuses, etc.) until the 20th century. Presumably, many “good men” started to Americanize their family names during the world wars.

Information that leads to an update of the family tree, please send us via our contact page.